Inventors and Patents From the City of Wichita

InventKansas, previously known as the Inventors Association of South Central Kansas, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching local residents about the importance of protecting and marketing their inventions. The organization’s mission is to support local inventors by providing education on the various processes and steps necessary to develop and patent an invention.


Invent Kansas is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping local residents protect, develop, and market their inventions. This event will provide local entrepreneurs with the information they need to protect their ideas. For more information about Invent Kansas, visit the website.

Kansas was home to the first patented helicopter. James Naismith was hired by the University of Kansas in 1898. The M&M candy coating process was also created in Kansas. Other Kansas inventions include the Al Davis Memorial Torch, Aerospace Corporation, and Dimensional Innovations.


GoCreate is located on the campus of Wichita State University, with 18,000 square feet dedicated to innovation. The facility boasts $1 million worth of equipment, including a foam cutter and a high-powered water jet. The facility is managed by unpaid volunteers.

GoCreate is the third city to host the prestigious Make48 competition. The event is sponsored by Koch Industries, and will take place June 24?26 at GoCreate. Once again, the competition will lead to the National Competition in March.

GoCreate is open to the public and will feature eight studios on the Wichita State Innovation Campus. The makerspace is aimed at fostering creativity among people from all walks of life. The space will feature advanced tools, expert training, and a friendly community.

The city is home to several museums dedicated to science and culture. It also hosts several landmarks that tell the story of the area. The northwest part of the city includes the Sedgwick County Zoo, which houses 2,500 animals and 500 different species. The city also features the Old Cowtown Museum, a cultural museum, and the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.


The city’s history is rich in innovation and invention. In 1891, Almon Strowger received a patent for a direct dial telephone. He was the grandson of the first miller in the town of Penfield. He also taught school and served in the army during the American Civil War. It is believed that he fought in the Second Battle of Bull Run, near Manassas, Virginia.

Strowger moved to Kansas City

Almon B. Strowger, a famous Kansas City entrepreneur, was reputedly a strange and argumentative man. In fact, his eccentric behavior did not make him unimaginative. He was born in Rochester, New York, in 1839 and fought for the Union during the American Civil War. Afterward, he slowly wandered west. He eventually opened his own funeral home in Topeka, Kansas, and became fascinated with telephone service. He eventually relocated his business to Kansas City.

Strowger made a living burying Kansas City’s “dead.” He was also a tinkerer and a teacher. But his business soon started to decline and he had to face competition from another undertaker. This competition made Strowger angry. He blamed his competitor’s new phone system, but he was too late: his competitor’s wife switched the bereaved to her husband’s funeral home, so Strowger moved to the city.

Despite having no formal engineering training, Strowger used his innate curiosity to design and create his own inventions. He began to imagine a device with electromagnets and buttons that would respond to electrical impulses. He worked with his nephew Walter S. Strowger to produce a prototype and patent it. They also competed with the Brown Telephone Company. The latter company was established in Kansas City by Cleysen Brown in 1899 and later incorporated as United Utilities, Inc. in November 1938, together with seven other telephone companies and Central Kansas Power.

Strowger moved to Kansas City in 1886, where he worked as a teacher at Penfield Elementary School. He also served in the army during the Civil War. After leaving the military, Strowger settled in Kansas City and started a funeral parlor. Throughout his career, he managed to establish a name for himself in the city.

Strowger filed for a patent in Wichita

The “Strowger Switch” is a simple electrical switch that automates telephone circuit switching. The Strowger switch features 10 layers of 10 contacts in a semi-circle. This switch was initially used with dial telephones to allow an operator to answer calls by pressing a single button.

The Strowger patent explains a simple process for calling the number 315. The subscriber would push a button to raise the shaft of the switch three notches, then push a button to operate a ten-toothed ratchet wheel attached to the shaft. This process would cause the dial to move five notches to the number 315.

The Strowger Company eventually lost its original license for the invention, and had to sell the rights to another company. However, the Strowger Company was not financially stable when the deal fell apart. They had stretched their credit limits too far. So, a group of people in Washington stepped in and bought the patent rights. The new company assumed domestic and foreign rights and agreed to pay the Strowgers a fixed amount every few years and a royalty on the amount of business that they did. In the end, the Strowger Company moved its factory to Baltimore.

Strowger was granted a patent in Derby

Strowger was a small businessman who invented the automatic telephone switchboard. This invention came about after Strowger suspected a rival’s wife of redirecting his business calls to her. Strowger invented the system, which activated when a caller pressed a combination of three buttons. He subsequently patented the dial telephone as well. Strowger founded the Automatic Electric Company to market his invention. His first system was put into operation in La Porte, Indiana, in 1892. It could link up to 99 subscribers and was later licensed to ATT.

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