Inventors and Patents From the City of Park Ridge
The longest time between filing a patent application and its grant was 655 days in Park Ridge. Wayne Sokoly filed his gear hanger patent on Sept. 18, 2020, and it was granted on July 9, 2021. That’s a pretty fast turnaround time for a small community.
Woodward MPC
In addition to being an innovator, Woodward MPC is also a patent holder. Their inventions cover everything from food science to technology. Some of them have even won awards for their work. Here’s a look at some of their latest patents.
A patent has been awarded to UOP, a Des Plaines, Illinois-based company. The invention relates to a system for mixing two streams of catalysts. It was developed by 11 co-inventors, including Jason T. Corradi and David W. Ablin, and is the product of an in-house R&D laboratory. The patent application was filed on Dec. 14, 2012.
Another invention has been assigned a patent. A co-invention, Cleversafe, is developing a method for rebuilding data from dispersed storage networks. The patent was developed by eight co-inventors, including Lynn Foster, Oak Park, Illinois, and John Quieley. Other co-inventors include Dany P. Lee and Pil Seok Chae, both of Chicago. A fifth co-inventors is a resident of Downers Grove, Illinois.
UChicago Argonne
Argonne National Laboratory is a science and engineering research facility located just outside of Chicago, Illinois. It is one of the largest in the Midwest. Founded in 1912, the laboratory first served as the Metallurgical Laboratory of the University of Chicago during World War II. It eventually became a national laboratory in 1946. The laboratory focuses on non-weapon related nuclear physics. Its research helped create power-producing nuclear reactors and the reactors used by the United States’ nuclear navy.
UChicago Argonne has been assigned a patent for a method for improving the performance of catalysts in partial oxidation and auto-thermal processors. This patent was filed on Dec. 14, 2011, and is the result of the efforts of four Illinoisans: David William Ablin, Mohammad-Reza Mostofi-Ashtiani, and Shabbir Ahmed.
Argonne’s science laboratories specialize in physics, chemical sciences, and metallurgy. Among its achievements is the first demonstration of plasma wakefield acceleration, which accelerates particles over shorter distances than conventional accelerators. It is also home to a successful battery research program. Argonne also boasts the Advanced Photon Source, which was completed in 1995. At the time of its construction, the X-rays produced by this facility were the brightest in the world.
Another patent issued to a Chicago company was awarded to a local company, Polyera. This company is based in Skokie, Illinois. The patented technology involves polymer based photocurable materials and related electronic devices. The other co-inventors are Hakan Usta, Evanston, and Huei Shuan Phoebe Tan, all from the University of Wisconsin.
Rockwell Automation Technologies
A new patent from Rockwell Automation Technologies, based in Mayfield Heights, Ohio, covers methods, apparatus, and systems for supporting multiple network addressing modes. The patent was originally filed on July 22, 2016. The patent is owned by Darryl E. Whitley, a Milwaukee resident.
University of Chicago
The University of Chicago has a long-standing history of innovation. Its Chicago Innovation Exchange is a centralized location that connects entrepreneurs, scientists, and students. The CIE supports startups in the hard sciences, particularly during the first twelve to eighteen months of their development. These startups require access to a wide variety of actors, including national laboratories, software firms, and mentors. The CIE creates these vibrant environments to help them grow and flourish.
The University of Chicago is also credited with an invention (US Patent 8,815,557) developed by five co-inventors. These inventors include Devkumar Mustafi, Lamon Jones, and John Clark. They all worked together to design a product that is now patented by the UChicago Argonne.
University policy states that inventors are entitled to 25% of any future gross royalties derived from the invention. Moreover, the policy provides for a substantial portion of inventors’ shares in new companies. In February 1991, Chou told Roizman that her discoveries should be patented and he did not agree. Roizman then filed a patent application (‘688) for the same invention. Then, Roizman claimed to be the sole inventor of the invention.
In the case of Chou v. University of Chicago, Chou’s claim against the University was sufficiently stated in the record. University counsel reviewed Chou’s laboratory notebooks on April 20 and May 13, 1999. The University counsel informed Chou that he was the inventor of the subject matter and that he would file paperwork to correct the issue of inventorship. Additionally, the University’s counsel argued that it pays inventors with 25% of the gross royalties from the creation of new companies based on their inventions.
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