Inventors and Patents From the City of Newark

Newark was an industrial hotbed and it attracted enterprising inventors. Thomas Edison, for example, developed a ticker tape machine while living in Newark. Seth Boyden, meanwhile, developed a process for making patent leather and malleable iron. He also invented a hat-forming machine and a cheap process for making sheet iron. Other notable Newarkers included John W. Hyatt, who developed celluloid, an important material for camera film. Hyatt also founded the Weston Electrical Instrument Company, which patented the Weston standard cell.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison first operated a light factory in East Newark, New Jersey in 1881. He later moved to New York City and set up a laboratory there. Within a year, he had installed the first commercial electric light system in Manhattan. It consisted of four hundred lamps and was used by 513 customers. Edison then went on to establish several companies that produced electrical systems and electrical equipment.

Edison’s success as a inventor was largely due to his ability to work with a large staff of experimenters and machinists. As such, he needed to figure out ways to give credit and financial rewards to his employees for their work. This included giving them financial awards and making them understand that their contributions were directly related to Edison’s ideas.

After a period of living in Boston, Edison set up his own laboratory in Newark, New Jersey. There, he married Mary Stilwell, who worked for Edison’s News Reporting Telegraph Company. The couple’s life together was filled with success. They were soon tying the knot and starting a family.

John Latimer

The book John Latimer, Inventors And Patents From the City of Newark is an interesting history of Newark, New Jersey. Latimer was born in Chelsea, Massachusetts on September 4, 1848. In his early years, he was an inventor of telegraphs and improved telegraphic devices. However, it was his invention of the phonograph that earned him fame. It was the first phonograph in the United States, and it was revolutionary at the time.

Latimer was an African-American inventor and patent draftsman. His inventions include an improved railroad car toilet and an evaporative air conditioner. He also worked with Alexander Graham Bell to draft a patent for the telephone. Today, his house is located near the Latimer Projects.

John Stanard

In the early 1900s, Edison’s success spurred a number of competitors in the power industry, including Newark inventor Edward Weston, who developed electric generating dynamos for electroplating operations. Weston’s breakthroughs led to innovations such as improved incandescent light filaments and current and voltage meters. In 1882, a Newark chemist discovered that the hard plastic material Celluloid could be dissolved in amyl acetate. His discovery later led to the creation of the world’s first commercially viable photography process.

While in his younger days, the racial prejudice of the day did not allow Black people to pursue scientific research, Stanard defied that and sought recognition for his inventions. His work in stove constructions and cooling devices would change the way people prepare food in the future. His inventions would go on to influence millions of appliances in the decades that followed.

Stanard’s refrigerator was a notable innovation of its time. The first refrigerator had a separate freezer from the refrigerator, and Stanard would have been thirty-one or thirty-two years old when he conceived of it. The ice chamber he created in his refrigerator was manually filled and was located at the bottom of the unit. He would later incorporate air ducts and holes to better circulate the cold air inside the machine.

John Wesley Hyatt

During the early nineteenth century, the city of Newark was a puritan community, governed by the Puritan Congregational Church. The Puritan Congregational Church established a strict set of rules for the village, including a mandatory church membership for all citizens, as well as a religious test for voting and public office. As a result, Newark’s population grew and its role as a market center in the west was increasingly vital.

Hyatt was an inventor who discovered pyroxyline in Albany, New York, and subsequently patented it. He also went on to develop special machinery to make celluloid. Using this material, he was able to create the best school slate that had ever been put on the market. Hyatt eventually sold his machinery to a Newark company that specialized in embossing slate.

Hyatt and his brother Isaiah patented the material known as celluloid in the 1870s. The goal was to make a more durable alternative to hard rubber. After completing the patent, the Hyatt brothers moved their factory from Albany to Newark, where they built one of the world’s largest celluloid manufacturing facilities. Unlike other plastics companies, Hyatt specialized in forming the material into sheets, leaving the practical fabrication to other companies.

Celluloid Manufacturing Company

The Celluloid Manufacturing Company is a Newark company that developed the plastic known as celluloid. The plastic was first used in denture plates as a substitute for hard rubber. In 1872, John Wesley Hyatt and his brother Isaiah moved their company from Albany to Newark and put their numerous patents to work building one of the world’s leading celluloid companies. Hyatt began his company by making consumer products and stock shapes and eventually built the first injection molding machine in the world.

The company grew by leaps and bounds and by 1890, Hyatt and Charles Burroughs had created one of the first successful plastics operations in the country. Hyatt changed the name of his company to Celluloid Manufacturing Company and moved its headquarters to Newark. The company continued to expand and became a multi-million dollar company. The company eventually produced a new kind of plastic called Bakelite, which was used in the production of electronic devices.

The company’s success fueled competition in the power industry. Edward Weston of Newark developed electric generating dynamos for electroplating operations in the 1870s. He later improved the filaments of incandescent lights. He brought lighting to Military Park in Newark, and even lit the Brooklyn Bridge. He also developed current and voltage meters. His success prompted Weston and his colleagues to petition for a new educational institution.

Thomas Edison’s Invention Factory

Thomas Edison’s Invention Factory offers a unique and fascinating look into the workings of a modern-day wonder factory. The facility consists of many small buildings, each containing different types of equipment and specialties needed to produce an innovative idea. For example, there is a physics/electrical lab, a chemistry lab, a metallurgical shop, and a model-making shop. These small buildings support inventors, machinists, draftsmen, and technicians.

The lab complex, known as the “invention factory,” was a place for great minds to come together and work collaboratively. This was where Edison invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the incandescent light bulb. After his death in 1931, his inventions were used by almost every major corporation in the world. They continue to be used today.

In 1877, Edison was working on several projects, including a telegraph. He established a company called Pope, Edison, and Co. in 1869 and advertised as “electrical engineers and constructors.” In 1870, he merged with the Gold and Stock Telegraph Company and established the Newark Telegraph Works. Edison’s company later became the American Telegraph Works.


The city of Newark was a center of innovation for celluloid. The city was the home of inventors like Isaiah Smith Hyatt, who set up a company in 1874 to manufacture dental plates made of celluloid. The company later moved from Albany to Newark and invented new machinery to mix ingredients and manipulate the material. One of the most important inventions was the celluloid injection molding machine, invented by Isaiah Hyatt, who would later make his company into the Celluloid Manufacturing Company.

The company was originally known as the Keystone Dry Plate Works, and it eventually contracted with the Celluloid Manufacturing Company to make celluloid dry plates. The dry plates were made by coating celluloid strips with photosensitive gelatin emulsion. The process was refined over the next few years, and the company was able to produce 15 inch wide sheets for Edison’s early motion picture experiments.

Celluloid was a cheap, waterproof material that was transparent and flexible. It was not an ideal substitute for true linen, but it was a popular material until the 1930s. It was the hope of many people who wanted a perfect shirt, but the collars were stiff and chafed their chins and cheeks. The buttons rattled in the buttonholes, causing irritation. Some manufacturers advised users to wrap chamois leather or elastic bands around the button shank. Hyatt patented a solution for the problem, the Non-Rat Celluloid Cuff.

Brewing industry

Newark was an important industrial hub and boasted a number of important brewing industry inventors and patents. As early as 1770, there were only three leather tanneries in the city, but by 1837 there were 155. In that same year, the city produced leather valued at $899,200. It also produced carriages, coaches, hats, and lace. In the 1880s, the city had the sixth largest brewing plant in the world. It was home to a number of brewing and cider companies, as well as many quarries.

The city’s large German population led to an impressive brewing industry. By the late 1800s, it was the fourth largest in the country. In 1877, P. Ballantine and Sons was the fourth largest brewery in the United States. Other major breweries in Newark included Rheingold and Pabst.

The first wave of immigrants came to the city in the 1820s to work on the Morris Canal, which linked the two cities. The canal’s construction was financed by the federal government, which built it on a series of wetlands southeast of the city. After the canal’s completion, German immigrants started moving in. By 1865, the city’s German population numbered nearly a third of its population. Its population increased from 17,290 in 1840 to 105,000 by 1870.

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