SBDC Incubator Accelerator For Startup Founder in Ohio

If you’re a startup founder in Ohio, you can’t go wrong by joining an SBDC incubator accelerator program. This program helps small businesses grow and thrive in the Columbus area, and there are several different options to choose from. One such program is the Idea Foundry, which focuses on helping entrepreneurs launch their businesses. The Idea Foundry offers events, workshops, and classes, as well as co-working space. One Columbus also helps local entrepreneurs stand out by serving as a central business location. They also assist in fostering an adaptive workforce and regional growth strategy.

Ohio is home to several startup incubators that provide resources, mentorship, and support to early-stage companies. Here are some prominent startup incubators in Ohio:

The Hamilton Mill

The Hamilton Mill, a 501c3 business incubator, has undergone a significant transformation over the past 15 years. It was originally a general business incubator but has since focused on advanced manufacturing and cleantech startups. Its mission is to empower early stage companies to grow by providing technical and business resources. The Hamilton Mill also offers a variety of strategic partnerships. These include business mentors, shared-space/offices, professional assistance and capital.

The Hamilton Mill has recently redesigned its building to serve startup companies better. It has brought on a dozen new tenants. The first company is Searen, a water treatment solution provider with patented vacuum airlift technology. Founders Emmanuel Briquet, John Brooks, and Tom Andrews are advancing the company with a compelling value proposition: a unique water treatment device that replaces aging legacy hardware. This technology reduces operating costs and eliminates the need for harmful chemicals.

The Hamilton Mill has received $50,000 from the Greater Cincinnati Foundation to launch its new entrepreneurial program. The program is called “Students for Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship” and will work with students from Butler Technology and Career Development Schools. The program currently takes place in the Ross school district, but will be relocated to The Mill. Students will be required to develop a business idea and a commercialization plan. In addition, they must also come up with marketing and sales strategies for their startup.

Founded in 1980, the SBDC network has since expanded to over 1,000 centers across the country. The SBDC network is made possible through partnerships between the SBA, private sector, state governments and colleges. Approximately one million small business owners receive management assistance from SBDCs every year. The network has the resources and expertise to assist aspiring entrepreneurs in growing their companies. Its unique approach and curriculum allows entrepreneurs to transform their vision into a profitable business.

The Keenen Center for Entrepreneurship

The Tim and Kathleen Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship aims to promote entrepreneurship at the Ohio State University. The program promotes the creation of new businesses and offers entrepreneurs early-stage capital and startup talent. The center also has robust programming resources and access to mentors and experts in areas such as finance, accounting, and research. Here, entrepreneurs can expect to receive individualized business mentoring and training.

The Center offers an accelerator program and a marketspace that share resources and support for startups. The center also offers virtual streaming services, co-working space, and consultation services. The program aims to help startup businesses launch and overcome barriers to success. It is also associated with the Columbus Chamber of Commerce. It invests in the success of local entrepreneurs by providing a range of resources, networking opportunities, and government relations. Startup companies can also benefit from their expertise, network, and industry contacts.

As a part of the SBDC, the Keenen Center for Entrepreneurship offers customized mentorship and support for startups in the field of entrepreneurship. It aims to help startups achieve their commercial and consumer-centric vision through deep mentorships. It also provides access to additional capital and corporate partnerships. The center aims to empower startups through lifestyle coaching and business-building.

Tech Elevator

Tech Elevator is an intensive coding bootcamp that offers training programs in software development and coding skills. It is designed to equip individuals with the necessary technical skills to pursue a career in the tech industry. The bootcamp provides a focused and immersive learning experience that typically lasts for 14 weeks, although program lengths may vary.

Tech Elevator offers bootcamp programs in several locations across the United States, including Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. The curriculum is structured to cover a range of programming languages and technologies commonly used in the industry. Students learn languages like Java or .NET, web development fundamentals (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), back-end development, databases, and more.

The bootcamp employs a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on coding exercises, projects, and individualized support to help students build a strong foundation in programming. In addition to technical skills, Tech Elevator also emphasizes professional development, helping students improve their communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities.

Upon graduation from Tech Elevator, students are provided with job placement support, which may include career coaching, resume assistance, interview preparation, and networking opportunities. The goal is to help students secure employment in the tech industry and transition into entry-level software development roles.

It’s worth noting that while Tech Elevator has been a reputable coding bootcamp, the information provided is based on my knowledge up until September 2021. Therefore, it’s recommended to visit the official Tech Elevator website or contact their admissions team for the most up-to-date and accurate information about their programs, curriculum, and locations.

Rev1 Ventures

The Rev1 Ventures SBDC incubator accelerator in Ohio offers a unique approach to helping early-stage companies grow and scale. It helps startups secure the first round of capital, develop a product, and achieve first revenue. Rev1 is not a traditional incubator, accelerator, or investor, but a hybrid of the three. It provides capital, strategic services, and connections to innovators and entrepreneurs that help startups grow.

The Rev1 Ventures incubator accelerator program for startup founders in Columbus, Ohio, provides access to mentorship and resources that can help them achieve their goals. With the help of a network of experts, entrepreneurs are exposed to digital, marketing, and communication support. Founders also have access to investors and private equity funding. The REV1 Investor Startup Studio is a sector-agnostic incubator that connects startups with corporate partners and provides customized mentorship and support. In addition to providing access to capital, REV1 helps startups get access to corporate partners, which provide pilots and direct feedback.

Rev1 Ventures is part of a larger network of entrepreneurs in Ohio. In addition to the incubator accelerator, it also hosts a makerspace. Both programs help entrepreneurs launch and grow their companies. The Keenen Center for Entrepreneurship at The Ohio State University supports the entrepreneurial community in Columbus by providing education, mentorship, programming resources, and early-stage capital. The Keenen Center is a hub for entrepreneurs and startups, supporting the growth of the entrepreneurial community in the region.

Among the benefits of working with Rev1, Ohio offers a network of over 40 professional service firms that provide discounted services to its clients. Founders can benefit from individualized consultations, one-on-one advising, workshops, and access to business resources, including startup capital. In addition, the Rev1 also provides access to expert accountants, finance professionals, and research specialists, all at a discounted rate.

The Brandery incubator

The Brandery is a startup accelerator and venture studio based in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was founded in 2010 and has since become one of the leading accelerators in the Midwest region of the United States. The Brandery focuses specifically on consumer branding and marketing, helping early-stage companies develop and refine their brand strategies.

As an incubator, The Brandery provides a structured program to support startups in their early stages. Startups accepted into the program receive funding, mentorship, office space, and access to a network of industry experts and investors. The program typically lasts for four months and is designed to help startups accelerate their growth and increase their chances of success.

One of the unique aspects of The Brandery is its focus on branding and marketing. Startups in the program receive guidance and mentorship from experienced marketing professionals who help them develop their brand identity, messaging, and go-to-market strategies. This emphasis on branding sets The Brandery apart from many other startup accelerators that tend to focus more on product development and technology.

The Brandery has a strong track record of success, with several of its alumni companies going on to raise significant funding and achieve notable growth. Some well-known companies that have graduated from The Brandery include Oros, LISNR, and Frameri.

In addition to its accelerator program, The Brandery also operates as a venture studio, where it partners with founders to create and launch new companies. Through the venture studio, The Brandery provides capital, resources, and expertise to build and scale innovative consumer-focused startups.

Overall, The Brandery is a reputable startup accelerator and venture studio that specializes in consumer branding and marketing. It offers a range of support and resources to early-stage startups, helping them navigate the challenges of building a successful brand and business.

Bounce Innovation Hub

Bounce Innovation Hub is an innovation and entrepreneurial hub located in Akron, Ohio, USA. It is a collaborative workspace and community that supports startups, small businesses, and innovators in the region. Bounce offers various resources, programs, and services to help entrepreneurs and businesses grow and succeed.

Here are some key features and offerings of Bounce Innovation Hub:

1.Workspace and Facilities

Bounce provides shared office spaces, co working areas, and private offices for individuals and teams. They offer modern amenities, meeting rooms, event spaces, and prototyping labs to support a wide range of businesses.

2.Entrepreneurial Services

Bounce offers a range of services to support entrepreneurs at different stages of their journey. These services include business mentoring, coaching, legal and financial guidance, access to funding opportunities, and connections to industry experts.

3.Accelerator Programs

Bounce runs accelerator programs designed to help early-stage startups accelerate their growth. These programs provide startups with mentorship, networking opportunities, educational resources, and access to potential investors.

4.Incubator Programs

Bounce also offers incubator programs that provide support to startups in their initial stages of development. These programs offer access to workspace, resources, mentorship, and a collaborative community to help startups refine their business models and launch their products or services.

5.Workshops and Events

Bounce hosts workshops, seminars, and events on various topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and business growth. These events provide opportunities for networking, learning, and collaboration among entrepreneurs and professionals.

6.Community and Networking

Bounce fosters a vibrant community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry professionals. The hub provides networking opportunities, community events, and a collaborative environment where individuals and businesses can connect, collaborate, and learn from each other.

Overall, Bounce Innovation Hub aims to create an ecosystem that supports the growth of startups, fosters innovation, and drives economic development in the Akron region. It serves as a resource hub where entrepreneurs can access the support, guidance, and resources they need to turn their ideas into successful businesses.

Patenting strategies

It’s crucial to protect intellectual property when it comes to patenting. This will give you a competitive edge on the market. Here are a few patenting strategies to consider:

  1. Prior Art Search. Before submitting a patent, you should conduct a thorough prior art search to identify existing prior art. This will allow you to determine whether your invention is new and not obvious, two important criteria for obtaining patents. Prior art searches can give you valuable insights into patents already in existence and refine your invention.
  2. File Early. In most countries, the patent right is granted to the person or entity that files a patent application first. It is important to submit your application as soon as possible in order to secure your rights and establish priority. If you delay the filing, someone else may file a similar invention before you and obtain the patent rights.
  3. Choose the right type of patent: You may want to consider different types depending on your invention. Utility patents protect new and useful machines, processes, compositions, and improvements. Design patents cover ornamental designs on functional items. Plant patents cover new varieties of plants that reproduce asexually. Select the patent type that best matches your invention.
  4. International Patents: Consider filing an international patent application if you intend to expand your company globally. Patent Cooperation Treaty allows you to submit a single application for an international patent that can be pursued across multiple countries. You can also file patent applications in the countries you wish to protect.
  5. Provisional Patents. In certain jurisdictions including the United States you can file a provisional application. You can use the phrase “patent-pending” and get an earlier filing date. The provisional application allows you to develop your invention further and submit a non-provisional patent application (utility).
  6. Patent Portfolio: Create a portfolio of patents by filing several patents that cover different aspects of your business or technology. This strategy allows you to protect different aspects of your invention while creating barriers for competitors. A strong patent portfolio will also increase your company’s worth when you are looking for investments or partners.
  7. Patent Licensing: If you want to make money, consider licensing your patents. In exchange for licensing fees or royalty payments, you can allow others to use the patented technology. You can also enforce your patent rights through monitoring the market and taking legal actions when necessary.
  8. Patent Strategy Alignment – Align your strategy for patenting with your business’s overall strategy. Focus on the technologies and innovations that will give your company a competitive edge. Assess the cost-benefit of patenting specific inventions, and decide which patents will be crucial to protecting your position in the market.
  9. Hire Intellectual Property Professionals. Patent attorneys and intellectual property specialists who are experts in patent law can be a great resource. They can offer guidance on the entire patenting process. They can draft patent applications, conduct prior-art searches, and help navigate complex legal requirements.

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