Inventors and Patents From the City of Tacoma
PTMT has been concentrating on aggregating patent data at the U.S. state and county level, which has reduced the problems associated with uniquely identifying inventors. PTMT reports that they aggregate inventor counts based on the location of the first-named inventor or, in the case of multiple listed inventors, based on the locations of all inventors listed in the patent record.
PTMT processing results in about 12 percent of inventors being associated with more than one regional component area
The patent system is a key instrument for promoting technological innovation and research and development. It also acts as a vehicle for technology transfer. WIPO works in this area through the Inventor Assistance Program, which matches inventors from developing countries with patent attorneys. Likewise, the Patent Drafting Training Program helps users of the patent system gain practical skills.
Research suggests that social barriers continue to hinder people’s access to opportunities and undercut their economic participation. In the South, for example, Black students make up twenty-four percent of student enrollment, yet nearly half of students are suspended in public schools. In part, this is a result of implicit bias. Similarly, incarceration rates across states differ sharply. Maine, for example, has a rate of 137 people per 100,000 people. State-level policies that deter innovation may be contributing to these disparities.
Small-time inventors account for a large share of inventors
A recent study shows that the city where you live can influence the likelihood of being an inventor. The number of inventors is higher in high-income areas. And while there is no single explanation for this disparity, there are likely some contributing factors.
In the nineteenth century, inventor patterns changed. For example, during the Industrial Revolution, the share of inventions from technical occupations increased substantially. In other words, as industrialization progressed, so did the intensity of capital.
The development of the patent market created incentives for more specialized work. As markets for technological innovations expanded, the number of independent inventors increased. In addition, firms began to develop institutions for trading intellectual capital. These institutions drew a strong supply response from independent inventors. The result was the highest level of specialization and production among inventors.
The city of Tacoma has a history of supporting the development of inventions. Historically, small-time inventors made up a large portion of the inventor population. These inventors had a lot of potential and were motivated to pursue their dreams.
STEM-educated workers are a major source of new inventions
Studies have found that STEM-educated workers are more likely to find high-paying jobs. They are also less likely to face unemployment. STEM occupations also have increasing growth potential. However, STEM occupations are not evenly distributed throughout the United States. For example, the percentage of STEM workers who earn a bachelor’s degree is higher in 20 metropolitan areas compared to the rest of the nation. Similarly, STEM workers with a bachelor’s degree are more likely to be in coastal states than in other regions.
Women make up half of the STEM workforce, but their proportion varies significantly by occupation. For example, three-quarters of health care practitioners and technicians (HCT) are women, but only 20% of engineers and computer scientists are women. STEM workers with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to be Hispanic or American Indian.
STEM-educated workers are a significant source of new inventions in the City of Tacoma, and there is a need for more of these workers to fill those positions. According to Gonzalez and Kuenzi (2012), STEM-educated workers make up about two-thirds of the entire STEM workforce. This is a staggering statistic. Nevertheless, it is important to note that STEM workers are still underrepresented among minorities in the general population.
STEM workers also make a significant contribution to the economy of the city. According to the Washington Roundtable, the region should invest in K-12 education to promote STEM. The Tacoma School District, for instance, opened its Tacoma Science and Math Institute in 2009 with a STEM focus. Meanwhile, industry has also stepped up to help foster the next generation of STEM workers.
Inventors in metropolitan areas
The City of Tacoma, Washington, has a rich history of inventors, patents, and innovations. Inventions are often the result of a previous inventor’s efforts, and this is especially true when a large company is involved in a product development process. These companies often have a vision for a product, and then integrate many different technologies into their creation. The City of Tacoma, Washington, can take pride in two products that came from this region.
The City of Tacoma epitomizes the development of Washington and the Puget Sound region. The city is located on scenic bluffs above Commencement Bay and is the county seat of Pierce County. In 1873, Tacoma was chosen as the Western terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and has since developed as a center for shipping across the Pacific Rim. The City of Tacoma has also established itself as an important center of science and the arts.
The number of inventors in a metro area is not the same as the number of patents issued in that area. This is because inventors have been associated with U.S. regional component areas, which makes it easier to correlate their locations. The data on inventors in Tacoma has been gathered from two sources. Those sources include the PTMT, which uses a set of tables. These tables are updated regularly, and reflect inventors’ geographic location.
In the early 1900s, Tacoma boomed. The city implemented a program called “Make Tacoma Clean.” It built a water system on the Green River and hydroelectric systems on the Nisqually River. Mayor Angelo Fawcett convinced Northern Pacific to give up real estate for the Municipal Dock, which connected downtown with the 11th Street Bridge. Meanwhile, real estate speculators bought up Puyallup Reservation for industrial development.
Inventors in metropolitan areas with high share of STEM-educated workers
The proportion of inventors is highest among Asians and whites, while it is significantly lower for Hispanics and blacks. This demonstrates that policies designed to increase intergenerational mobility may be beneficial for economic growth. For example, by drawing more minority and low-income children to study science, such policies may help alleviate racial and economic disparities and spur economic growth by tapping into talent. If policies focused on innovation and science education centered on social justice, more minority and low-income children might grow up to be inventors.
The concentration of STEM jobs is particularly pronounced in certain metropolitan areas. About half of all STEM workers live in twenty metropolitan areas, representing 38% of the entire U.S. workforce. In addition, these twenty metropolitan areas account for 80% of business R&D, averaging $325 billion per year over the last decade. In the same period, fifteen states account for 78% of all patents produced.
The spatial analysis used in this study reflects the locations where inventors are born and grew up. While this may differ from where they work as adults, the spatial patterns are consistent: children from the Northeast and coastal Midwest are more likely to become inventors than those in the Southeast.
The study found that a one standard deviation increase in a child’s share of the father’s industry is associated with an increase of 25.3% of children in the top quintile of the income distribution. However, this rate of convergence is very slow and it will take 118 years before gender parity is achieved.
The study also found that children from low-income families are less likely to become inventors than children from higher-income families. The lack of resources in these environments may be hindering the development of these bright minds. However, investing in early childhood education will increase the likelihood of a child’s economic security and help them realize their potential.
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