Inventors and Patents From the City of Sunshine Manor, Florida
This article will look at a new patent granted by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance that addresses systems and methods for providing a combination financial product. The patent is co-invented by Amy Caruso of Southwick, Mass., James Todd of Collinsville, Conn., and Matthew Naughton of Simsbury, Conn. It also includes the name of Richard Byrne of Windsor, Conn.
PTMT concentrates on regional component areas
PTMT has consolidated its inventor and patent database to a regional component area level and has focused its efforts on micro/metropolitan areas. This has alleviated issues with identifying unique geographic locations of inventors. It reports that inventors and patents from the City of Sunshine Manor, Florida are associated with at least two different regional component areas.
PTMT’s patent and inventor database matches inventors to inventors based on their residences at the time of grant. Inventors who live in more than one city or county are listed in the corresponding region, with inventor counts proportionally divided between the different regions.
The PTMT’s inventor and patent data is organized by regional component areas and inventor-patent counts are sorted by total inventor-patent count in alphabetical order. The data in tables are rounded. The PTMT’s data can be viewed in two ways: as a map or as a table.
While the drill-down report has limitations, it’s useful for analyzing inventor activity associated with specific U.S. regions. In addition to inventor activity in local component areas, a drill-down report can also be used to compare inventors in different areas.
PTMT assigns patents based on inventor residence
The PTMT assigns patents based upon the first-named inventor’s place of residence. In most cases, this will be the inventor’s home country, but some patents do not have this specific information and are placed in the broader categories of “U.S., Unspecified Region” and “Unknown Foreign Country.” Note that these regional designations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the USPTO.
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