Inventors and Patents From the City of St. Petersburg

Innovating is a way to improve the world and to improve the economy. One way to do this is by attracting Inventors to a region. However, a region that is too closed to innovation risks stifling the growth of the local economy. There are three reasons why the region may be less appealing to Inventors.

Inventor mobility

We used a dynamic spatial lag model to estimate inventor inflows and outflows. Table 4 summarizes the variables used in this estimation. The coefficients are given in parentheses; the t-statistic and significance level are indicated by asterisks. Our results indicate that there is a significant spatial lag structure in inventor inflows and outflows. However, our results are inconclusive for the entire time period. Therefore, we split the data into two parts: the transition years up to 1998 and later years.

Inventor mobility in Russia is still understudied, particularly from the Russian perspective. This is because of the low number of patents and labor mobility in Russia. Furthermore, inventor mobility is limited within regions of the Russian Federation due to a low number of R&D centers. This study is the first to look at inventor mobility in Russia from the Russian perspective.

The amount of patents granted in a region is a key determinant in attracting inventors. Patents, in particular, serve as a measure of a region’s science and technology system. Higher patent stocks are associated with higher inventor mobility. Furthermore, more established research and innovation infrastructures attract researchers, which in turn leads to higher income and a diffusion of knowledge.

However, the spatial variation in inventor mobility is not consistent. In transition years, inventor inflows are path-dependent and negative inventor mobility signals have greater potential to attract inventors. This is an important issue to address when considering how to best develop innovation strategies. A well-developed science infrastructure and an attractive location can significantly boost inventor mobility in a region.

The study also looked at interregional inventor mobility. When an inventor moved from one region to another, they would often leave that region and relocate to another. This is the most effective way to facilitate interregional mobility. It would also allow the exchange of knowledge. A region with a strong research infrastructure would attract inventors from other regions and vice versa.

Using the European Patent Office patent data, the study provides a quantitative analysis of inventor mobility across regions. It identifies the main drivers of inventor mobility. These factors include the size of the research and development system in a region, the history of internationally relevant patents, and average living standards.

The study also suggests that women who live in neighborhoods with more women inventors have a higher probability of becoming inventors. This is particularly true for minorities, women, and children from low-income families. However, in contrast to these findings, these factors are not particularly related to the quality of the schools.

While the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame inductees have a connection to Florida and are well-known in the world of technology. Those who have been inducted in the hall have made a positive impact on society. The Florida Inventors Hall of Fame is located at the USF Research Park in Tampa, Florida.

Regional openness

On 1 January 1996, the Eurasian Patent Organization began accepting new patent applications. This new regional patent organization is open to countries of the United Nations and the Paris Convention. The Eurasian Patent Office focuses its efforts on attracting new member states, especially those from the former Soviet Republics and Eastern Europe.

Applicants who file their patents with the Russian Patent Office are eligible for reduced fees. Their application fees will be reduced by up to 25%, and the fee for the international search report will be reduced by 40 percent. The Eurasian Patent Office, known as Rosspatent, also offers an early entry option for applicants who are eligible.

The Eurasian Patent System operates concurrently with national patent systems of Contracting States, including Russia. It offers several advantages over national patents, including the fact that Eurasian patents are obtained in the Russian language, and can have an effect in several Contracting States. Additionally, it offers a fast track to regional patent rights.


The data collected by the Center for Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship indicates that the longest time between the filing date for a patent and its grant date in St. Petersburg was 630 days. The longest patent application period was for the Jabil, Inc. patent, which was filed on May 5, 2020, and approved on Jan. 25, 2022. While patents are necessary for a company to protect its invention, they are not necessarily a guarantee of success. According to Dennis Crouch, co-director of the Center for Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship, about 50 percent of patents expire due to costs. Nonetheless, in the past two weeks, two patents were granted.

This study is limited by the fact that it only uses patents from the European Patent Office and does not account for patents from the US and other countries. However, the time horizon is large enough to study the movement of inventors. As a result, the study is suitable for a variety of research purposes.

There are a variety of tax incentives for R&D. Some are designed to encourage companies to invest in R&D and increase their competitiveness. However, the Russian government has only recently begun to use this tax regime to stimulate innovation. The government has introduced a tax credit system that allows companies to write off certain forms of R&D expenditure. However, the permitted expenditure is limited to only 32 “advanced technologies,” excluding R&D in more traditional industries.

The data collected in this study are time-series and are analyzed using the dynamic spatial lag and Durbin model. The variables used in the estimation are summarized in Table 4, which shows the coefficients and t-statistics. The asterisks indicate significance levels.

This study examines inventor mobility within the Russian Federation. It provides new insights on the Russian NIS. These insights are particularly relevant for foreign investors and policymakers who want to understand how inventor mobility affects productivity. While the research on inventor mobility in the Russian Federation is scarce, the results show a connection between inventor mobility and productivity. Further research into inventor mobility networks could shed light on the link between inventor mobility and productivity.

This study also found a strong correlation between the number of patents and inventors filed in the City of St. Petersburg and Moscow. The study found that this relationship was positive across all model variants. In other words, a strong research community attracts inventors.

Patents and inventor mobility are linked to a more established science and technology system. The number of patents and researchers per capita indicate the presence of a robust innovation system. Firms with a high patent stock are more likely to attract inventors and create innovative companies. This also contributes to diffusion of knowledge.

The new patent laws and procedures have changed the patent filing process. It is vital to understand these new laws and procedures before filing a patent in St. Petersburg. Luckily, there are experienced patent attorneys who specialize in guiding individuals, businesses, and inventors through the patent filing process.

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