Inventors and Patents From the City of Rockford

Inventors in the City of Rockford have contributed to the local economy through several patents. Paul Neiderman, who founded Prescient Audio in 2014, has filed for 14 patents covering his thin-driver subwoofer. His company plans to become a publicly traded company with 200 employees within five years. If he succeeds, his company could make the list of significant local inventions.


The University of Illinois Chicago has named Ramaswamy Kalyanasundaram as its 2020 Inventor of the Year. Kalyanasundaram is a professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Rockford who has developed a vaccine to prevent parasitic infections in dogs and humans.

Since its founding in the mid-1830s, Rockford has been a center of manufacturing. Historically, its manufacturing industry focused on heavy machinery, hardware, and tools. It was also a leading center of furniture manufacturing in the United States. In the 20th century, Rockford shifted to a variety of industries, including the aerospace and automotive supply industries. In 2014, the city was named one of five finalists by Boeing for the manufacture of the 777X airliner.

If you’ve changed your mind about the correct inventorship, you can correct it by filing a request. To do so, fill out an application data sheet, accompanied by the proper documents. It should include the legal name and mailing address of the inventor and each actual joint inventor. It should also include the processing fee as specified in 37 CFR 1.17(i). To amend an inventorship, you must use the correct application data sheet, which must be signed.

In 1894, the Barber & Colman Company, which still operates in Rockford today, was founded in the town. Its founders, Howard Colman and W. A. Barber, were investors and engineers, and the company’s first patent was for a creamery check pump, which separated buttermilk from skim milk. It has been a landmark of Rockford’s history.

The City of Rockford has a history of educating its citizens. During the Civil War, Rockford was the site of Camp Fuller, which trained four infantry regiments. The City of Rockford established its first city-wide public school district in 1884. In 1885, a brick multistory school building was built.

Inventions can also be registered in the United States under the original name. However, inventorship in an international application can be amended if the original name of the inventor changes. A legal name change, such as a new surname, or a typographical mistake can result in a change in inventorship. The name of the original inventor may also be updated under 37 CFR 1.48(f) if it is incorrect.

Inventor’s legal name

An Inventor’s legal name can be traced back to his hometown of Rockford, Illinois. In 1903, James Colman moved to Rockford from Wisconsin to start a metalworking business. He soon developed the Hand Knotter, a tool that quickly and easily ties knots in string. He also developed the Warp Tying Machine, an automated tool for threading heddles. This machine significantly reduced the labor required to weave a piece of cloth. It was patented in 1908, and Colman helped revolutionize the textile industry in this part of the U.S.

Rockford was once a sleepy country village, but was transformed into a bustling city in the 1850s, with a number of industries springing up. In 1865, the city was home to the Rockford Water Power Company and the Galena & Chicago Union Railroad. The railroad company advised residents to adopt a shorter name, and one of the residents suggested the name of his home town, Rockford.

The industrial base in Rockford centered on manufacturing. During the 20th century, industries in Rockford revolved around heavy machinery, machine tools, aerospace, automotive, and packaging devices. This industrial background helped create such products as the Nelson knitting machine and the electric brake.

The City of Rockford has a long history of activism and civic engagement. In the 1960s, John F. Kennedy toured the city as he campaigned for a presidential bid. During the early 20th century, organized labor in Rockford took a strong role in the city’s history. Abolitionist H. Ford Douglass lived in Rockford for a period.

The city of Rockford is located in Illinois, along the Rock River. This area is connected to several other cities by Interstates 90 and I-90. The city is located 85 miles west of Chicago and 70 miles south of Madison. It is served by several freight railroads, including the Union Pacific.

The City of Rockford is also the home of the Rockford Female Seminary. This school opened in 1847 and later became Rockford College. In 1958, it became a co-ed school. Its alumni include Jane Addams, a graduate of the Rockford Female Seminary. She later went on to found the Hull House and won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Inventor’s residence

The Inventor’s residence is one of the most interesting buildings in the city. It is located in the heart of Rockford. The building dates back to the mid-1800s. There was a public square here in 1835, and it was the site of the first public school in Rockford. A brick building at the southeast corner of the public square was erected in 1837 by private subscription. It was then that L. B. Gregory began teaching there. In 1834, he passed his certificate examination in a store run by E. H. Potter. He was administered a spelling test by Dr. A. M. Catlin.

In an application, an inventor must give his or her address. This address must be the place where the inventor receives mail. It can be the inventor’s residence, a business address, or a post office box. The mailing address must include a ZIP code designation. Inventors must provide their mailing address to the Office of Patent Trial and Appeal. An attorney’s address does not qualify.

Joint inventors’ oaths or declarations

Joint inventors must sign and deliver an oath or declaration, if they are not already joint inventors. In addition to stating who they are, they must also state their mailing and physical addresses. In the case of patents, it is mandatory for joint inventors to submit their oath or declaration as a condition for patent eligibility.

The City of Rockford does not require inventors to sign an oath in every case. This requirement only applies to patent applications that have been filed before September 16, 2012. However, there are some instances when an inventor’s name has changed. This may occur when the inventors did not work together at the same time or made different types of contributions to the invention.

When filing a patent application, it is vital to identify the inventor’s place of residence. If the inventor has changed his or her address, it is necessary to provide a new address in the oath or declaration. The Office of Patent Trial and Appeal (OPTA) also requires inventors to list the address of their current residence on their application data sheet.

An oath or declaration from the City of Rockford may not contain the same legal language as the language of the patent application. This may be a requirement for the patent application if the inventor does not speak English. In cases like these, the Office of Patent Trial and Appeal (OPTA) will accept a declaration in place of an oath.

To apply for patent protection, joint inventors must submit an application data sheet with all the necessary information. The application data sheet should include the legal name of the inventor, mailing address, and address of each actual joint inventor. It must also include a processing fee, as set out in 37 CFR 1.17.

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