Inventors and Patents From the City of Redwood City
In November 1900, the city of Redwood City established a library, which was open to the public free of charge. The library’s mission was to make the world a better place for everyone to live and work. Since then, it has grown to be a major resource for researchers and citizens.
PTMT uses GNIS data for inventor residence matching
For inventor residence matching, PTMT uses GNIS data to identify metropolitan areas and counties, where the inventors were registered as of the date of the invention. In some cases, patent inventors are matched to two or more metropolitan areas. The number of patents that cannot be matched is divided equally among all matched areas. For example, if the inventor registered a patent in New York, he may be associated with more than one metropolitan area, but if he lived in another metropolis, he would be listed under a different county in that metro area.
This data provides an address and zip code for the residence of each inventor. The files should be compatible with the corresponding USPS zip code file. The full street address of the inventor’s residence is also provided. The state and city of residence are available only in non-image form, so they are easily usable by computer aggregators.
The GNIS data contain many more place name entries for each state than the USPS files. This means that the same place name may be matched to multiple locations in GNIS, whereas a single location is identified by the USPS file. For example, the GNIS file for the place name Mountain View had three additional locations in California. This is because the GNIS file contains historic-named areas as well as smaller regions.
PTMT uses objective criteria for assigning inventors
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recognizes that patents are a national resource and that ensuring that these resources are used responsibly is essential to the public’s benefit. To that end, the USPTO established an Office of Technology Assessment and Forecast in 1971. The patent technology monitoring team (PTMT) is part of this office. Its mission is to develop and produce statistical reports and general publications related to patenting trends.
The PTMT reports are available for download for free. They contain data in HTML format and can be imported into many newer software programs, such as spreadsheet software. You can also obtain PTMT reports by contacting PTMT directly. Their contact information is in the “Contact Information” section of the brochure.
PTMT counts inventors by regional component area
There are several limitations to PTMT’s method of associating inventors with regional component areas. The organization has developed tables to address these limitations. These tables generally report inventor counts at the first-named inventor level and for all inventors who are listed in the patent database.
These inventor counts are based on information at the time of the grant of a patent. Most readily available information is limited to the city and state of the inventor at the time of grant. However, inventors have been associated with a U.S. regional component area, such as the East Coast or West Coast. These inventor counts are then manually matched with the appropriate areas.
The data are presented in tables, with inventor-patent counts sorted by regional component area. These tables may include fractional inventor-patent counts. Some inventors may receive multiple patents, resulting in multiple inventor-patent counts for each patent. As a result, the numbers may be different for different component areas.
Patent counts can be used to identify important inventions. However, patent counts can be inaccurate if the inventors are based only in one country. To avoid this problem, triadic databases provide inventor counts by country and region. The triadic databases are useful for identifying important patents and constructing national patent counts.
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