Inventors and Patents From the City of Montvale

The City of Montvale is home to many notable inventors. Thomas Alva Edison, for example, invented the light bulb. Another notable inventor is Becton Dickinson, who worked with Edison to create the x-ray machine. The City of Montvale also has an active chamber of commerce. Each year, the community holds a Montvale Day in the Park, featuring a carnival, live music, and games. The festivities culminate with fireworks. In addition to this, the Montvale Chamber of Commerce holds an annual Montvale Street Fair. The community also remembers those who were killed in the attack on September 11, 2001 with a candlelit service. In addition, a memorial monument has been erected in honor of those who lost their lives.


Inventing has long been a way to express creative thinking, and the City of Montvale celebrates the invention of local residents with an annual festival. The city hosts a variety of events, including a day in the park complete with rides for kids, contests, food, live music, and fireworks. The Montvale Chamber of Commerce also organizes an annual Montvale Street Fair. The city also remembers the victims of September 11, 2001, with a candle-lit memorial service and a monument.

The Dallas-Fort Worth metro area ranked No. 9 among the 250 largest metropolitan areas for patents. The area’s inventors created such innovative products as 7-Eleven’s object tracking system. Other examples of patents granted in the area include the systems used by American Airlines to monitor flights, Building Materials Investment Corp.’s moisture-sensing roofing system, COEVAC’s automatic smoke/carbon monoxide evacuation system, and IBM’s cognitive intervention for voice recognition failure. Other local companies have created innovative products, including the snap-in nose pads for eyewear. Inventors and patents in the area have also produced innovations related to cars and trucks, including a system for detecting suspicious activity in parking lots.


The statistics below are based on the number of patents awarded each year for a city. These figures are calculated by dividing the number of patents issued each year by the city’s population. In each year, the number of patents per 10,000 residents is shown on a map.

The Dallas-Fort Worth area ranks No. 9 among metros in the number of patents granted. Some of the patents granted in the metro area include a 7-Eleven object tracking system, an American Airlines flight number optimization system, and COEVAC’s automatic smoke/carbon monoxide evacuation system. Other companies that have developed inventions in the metro area include Building Materials Investment Corp., COEVAC, and Shavelogic. The city also has a number of patents related to parking, including a parking system and a parking lot sensor that monitors suspicious vehicle activity.

Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was one of the most influential and prolific inventors of the twentieth century. Born in Milan, Ohio, he had an early start as an inventor, developing and patenting several devices that changed our lives. His first patent, for a voting machine, was issued at just 22 years old. The device, which had a switch that would either indicate yes or no, was connected to the clerk’s desk, and electric currents were sent to the device to keep track of votes and the results.

Edison had ideas for the military, as well. In one of his letters, he wrote about the need for the United States to prepare for a possible conflagration. He also envisioned a government research laboratory, which would develop new explosives, weapons, and military advances.

Edison’s quadruplex telegraph was his first financial success, and his research and development lab in Menlo Park was made possible by the sale of his patent rights. This device was so revolutionary, it could transmit four telegraph signals at once. Western Union offered him $10,000 for the patent rights. It was his first major financial success, and he was credited with many inventions in the town.

Edison had a long and successful life. His first electric light factory, and laboratory in New York City, were built in East Newark. Edison and his family moved to New York City in 1882. Despite his success, Edison’s innovations often were not entirely original, and he received a number of patents from other inventors.

Edison also invented the kinetoscope, a camera that used a single film. It was 4 feet tall with a small hole magnifier for viewing. It was powered by a battery. In 1913, Edison patented a device that allowed the sound from a phonograph cylinder to be synchronized with the picture on a screen.

Despite his fame and wealth, Edison’s life was not without tragedy. His mother died shortly after his wedding to Mary Stilwell. The couple had two children, William Leslie and Dot. The children were nicknamed “Dot” and “Dash” and named after the couple’s names. Despite the tragedies, the Edison family managed to stay together and grow their family.

Assigned to Becton Dickinson

Becton Dickinson and Company has filed for patents for a catheter assembly with interlocking telescoping needle shield. The patent was first filed on February 18, 1953, and it was issued to Henry G. Molinari on July 27, 1954. It is now owned by Becton, Dickinson and Company.

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