Inventors and Patents From the City of Henderson

During a visit to Southern Nevada in 1963, President John F. Kennedy predicted that Henderson would become a “city of destiny.” During World War II, Henderson developed the Basic Magnesium Plant that supplied the US War Department with magnesium. One of its original engineers was Fred Gibson. The plant was instrumental in helping the United States win the war.

Adding or deleting inventors

If you have filed for a patent or added an inventor to an existing patent, you can change the inventorship of the original application by submitting a correction request. A correction request must include a signed application data sheet, which contains the legal name of the inventor, mailing address, and other required information. You will also need to include the processing fee, as outlined in 37 CFR 1.17(i). The information that is changed must be clearly marked with underlining or brackets for text inserted or deleted.

When you add an inventor, you must provide proof of the applicant’s consent to the change. In addition, if you delete an inventor, you will need to submit a written statement from that person that states that he/she was not the actual inventor of the invention. If you want to delete an inventor, you must also provide proof of the applicant’s consent and any relevant documents that prove this.

Application data sheet to correct inventorship

Applicants who wish to correct their inventorship must submit an application data sheet, signed by the applicant, specifying the change. This document should include the legal name, mailing address, and residence information of the inventor. It should also include the processing fee, which is set by 37 CFR 1.17(i). In addition, the application data sheet must identify the change, with the addition of underlining or strikethrough if a new item is being added, and brackets or strikethrough if a section is being deleted.

The information on an application data sheet must include the applicant’s name and address, as well as the name and address of any assignee or representative. Any person with a proprietary interest in the property must also be included. The application data sheet must be signed in accordance with SS 1.33(b).

Joint inventors may execute separate oaths or declarations

If the inventors are joint, they may each execute separate oaths or declaration for patents from the City of Henderson. This is a requirement for joint inventors who have not filed an ADS. The application data sheet should identify each inventor by his or her legal name and should be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33(b)(ii). If it is not signed, the oath or declaration will be treated as a transmittal letter.

An applicant for a patent may claim either the original inventor or the first inventor of the invention. The applicant may also claim joint inventorship. Joint inventorship is allowed if the invention has been disclosed by both parties, but only in a public way.

Moreover, the application data sheet must include information about the inventors and the application, such as legal name and mailing address. If the inventors are joint, the declaration or oath may also include the names of the respective joint inventors and their residence.

If the inventors do not execute the oath or declaration for the patent, they may file a substitute statement. The non-signing inventor must provide his/her mailing address, unless the inventor is deceased or incapacitated. This information must be provided to the Office of Patent Trial and Appeal. This information must be included in the declaration or oath, so that the office can verify it.

A joint inventor can also apply for an order change for a patent. An amendment to a patent application is allowed when the inventors change their names. However, a change in the order of joint inventors is not permitted after the issue fee.

Declarations and oaths for patents from the City of Henderson must be signed in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 115(h). The oath or declaration must be signed on the same document. Failure to do so may jeopardize the validity of a patent.

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