Inventors and Patents From the City of Deerfield

If you’re interested in learning more about Inventors and their innovations, here’s some information to get you started. You can search for inventors by state or U.S. territory, or by their city. You can find patents and other data about local inventors by using the search fields below. Once you find the information you’re looking for, you can look into their city.


In July 2018, the city of Deerfield was the site of 15 patents granted. These patents were filed by Pregis Innovative Packaging, LLC. While inventions are not guaranteed to be patented, it is a prerequisite for getting them protected. According to Dennis Crouch, co-director of the Center for Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, patents do not guarantee that an invention will be successful.

Inventors’ state of residence

The location of an inventor’s place of residence is often an important aspect of the process of locating a patent. While it is difficult to get exact data from the city where an inventor resides, it is possible to get a close match by using the U.S. Post Office five-digit zip code. For example, if an inventor lives in Deerfield, Illinois, he is likely to have filed his first patent in that city.

The USPTO forms often ask for a mailing address. This doesn’t have to be the same address as his or her actual residence, but it’s useful in computer aggregations. In addition, the address should include a street number. When you match the zip code to the mailing address, you will get the address of the inventor’s residence in the US.

In the case of patents, PTMT produces drill-down reports to characterize inventor activity at the micro/metropolitan area level. The report profiles the first-named inventor as well as the inventors listed by location. The total number of inventors can be calculated using these reports. However, these reports have limitations. Nevertheless, they are a useful tool for understanding how many patents are issued in a specific area.

Inventors’ U.S. state or territory of residence

This information is derived from the city and state of residence of the inventor at the time of patent grant. Typically, this information is not readily available, and is only limited to the city and state of residence at the time of patent grant. However, since PTMT has linked inventors to regional component areas in the United States, it can be manually matched. In addition, inventors’ ZIP code is used for the region match, so if there is a difference between the city and state of residence, the PTMT can perform the necessary research to verify the location of the inventor’s patent application.

This information is also useful for determining the level of inventive activity in a particular region. PTMT has compiled inventor counts based on the state or region in which the inventor lived at the time of grant, although these may be different from the locations where the inventor performed their inventive activities. To get the full picture of inventors’ geographic distributions, consider aggregating the inventors’ U.S. state or territory of residence.

PTMT has also developed a set of tables on inventors’ first-named location. However, this data has limitations. Only 12 percent of inventors are associated with more than one region; furthermore, this information may not be representative of the entire U.S. patent population. However, it does provide a more accurate picture of inventors’ geographical distribution. This data will be very useful for patent research and development.

Inventors’ city

Countless innovations take place each year in the New York metropolitan area, and one city has a thriving inventor community. Deerfield’s Hudson Heights Innovations is one of them. This incubator will provide resources and networking opportunities to entrepreneurs, scientists, and other creative types. As a result, the city is a hub for innovations. The city is also home to one of the largest and most successful toy and game shows in the world. ChiTAG is an annual two-day celebration of toy and game invention. The event features interactive exhibits, contests, and live stage entertainment. Participants will also have a chance to see the hottest new toys and games, rediscover old favorites, and meet inventors.

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