Inventors and Patents From the City of Dallas
Dallas Invents is a weekly study of US patents that includes inventors from North Texas and local assigns. Patent activity is an important indicator of emerging markets, economic growth, and talent attraction. It is organized according to the Cooperative Patent Classification and provided by the Patent Index, a patent analysis company. The research results are used to determine the economic impact of innovation and inventions in the area.
Inventors and patents from the city of Dallas have a history that stretches back decades. In the late 1800s, inventors from the area created a variety of devices that became popular in the United States. Now, Dallas is a hub for technology development and innovation. A weekly study of US patent activity includes Dallas-area inventors and assigns. These patents can be a great indicator of future economic growth, emerging markets, and talent attraction.
The number of patents from the Dallas-Fort Worth area has increased over the past decade. In 2016, Austin was home to thirty-six percent of Texas’ utility patents. Between 2011 and 2015, Austin inventors accounted for 25.6% of all UT patents. Despite the growth in Dallas-Fort Worth inventors, the number of patents from Austin is slightly lower than those from Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston.
Inventors and patents are important indicators of future economic growth, talent attraction, and emerging markets. A weekly study of Dallas Invents tracks US patent activity and identifies local assignees. Patent analysis firm Patent Index provides the information. The study is organized by Cooperative Patent Classification. Inventors and patents are listed by date of publication. The list of patents is updated weekly.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments is a global technology company that was established in 1951. Its first product was a transistor radio. The company worked with the Industrial Development Engineering Associates of Indianapolis to create a 100% solid-state radio. The first such radio was released to the public in October 1954. The company also made a hand-held calculator, which was developed by Jack Kilby. This calculator was about three pounds and had a four-inch display and processor.
John Kilby, the inventor of the transistor, moved to Dallas from Milwaukee when he was 34 years old. He wanted to solve the problem of the tyranny of numbers. Conventional electronics computers required hundreds of thousands of components and interconnections, which limited their size, weight, and cost. He had hoped to work for Texas Instruments, but the company pursued a different approach.
Jack Kilby, who died of non-Hodgkins lymphoma in 1978, was an employee of the Central Research Labs at TI. He worked with his colleagues and students on assorted projects. He later retired from TI, which is named after him. He was one of four winners of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics, sharing the prize with two Russian scientists, Zhores Alferov and Herbert Kroemer. The combined prize was worth $1 million.
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