How to Write a Provisional Patent Example 2020

If you’re seeking to demonstrate your invention expertise and experience on your resume, a provisional patent application may be beneficial. This type of patent demonstrates that you have an established history of inventing, which is often sought-out by hiring managers at technology companies.

However, it’s essential to remember that a provisional application does not guarantee priority. This means you could lose both foreign patent rights and/or US patent rights if your provisional application doesn’t adequately describe your invention.

Definition of an invention

A patent is a legal document issued by the United States Government that grants inventors exclusive rights for a certain period of time to make, use and sell their invention. This privilege often comes in exchange for public disclosure of the invention.

An invention is any novel and beneficial process, machine, article of manufacture or composition of matter that has not previously been known to the public. These discoveries can be applied in numerous fields such as engineering, chemistry, biology and physics.

Inventions are created through a variety of techniques, from brainstorming and trial and error to drawing, writing, experimenting, modeling and testing. They may also be created through collaboration with other people.

Before beginning to invent, it is essential to first comprehend what an invention is and why developing one makes sense. Inventions are works of creativity that can be employed to enhance quality of life in general or particular scenarios such as cutting down waste in agriculture or increasing energy efficiency in industrial processes.

A new invention can be spurred by a social need for improvement and then patent and protected. This promotes creativity, as it gives inventors the chance to compete for market share within their industry while inspiring people with fresh solutions to problems.

Inventors use creativity to develop new products and services, such as designing creative packaging designs or marketing campaigns that promote them. For instance, a marketing campaign might include an attractive tagline describing the advantages of the item being promoted.

It is also possible to generate ideas by studying the world around us, such as reading books or magazines, listening to news broadcasts or checking out technological advancements. This approach works especially well in science or technology fields where it may be easier to look at a problem from an outside perspective and consider potential solutions that hadn’t occurred to the inventor before.

An invention can be created by one person or a team of people and it can either be physical (like with cars, airplanes or igloos) or virtual (such as with computers and software). It could be something that solves a global issue or simply provides individuals with personal solutions to their needs.


Claims are the building blocks of your invention and how patent law protects it. The more accurate and detailed your claims are, the higher your chances are of being awarded a patent. Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources that can help you craft effective claims for your provisional patent application.

Make sure to describe all of your invention’s new features (in terms of function, not just aesthetics) in great detail. Include how and where it is used as well.

It’s essential to emphasize your product’s advantages and why you designed it this way. For instance, if describing a hammer, you could say “this smaller hammer will help people remove bent or twisted nails from wood more easily.”

As with any document, it’s essential that someone unfamiliar with your invention read it and provide feedback on how it could be improved. You may be able to get this review from a friend, but you might also want to hire a patent attorney who can offer advice on how to improve the draft.

Another effective solution is having someone else compose your provisional application for you. This can give an objective viewpoint and guarantee that your application is free from mistakes.

Ideal, the person drafting your patent application should be an experienced patent attorney. Have them provide two reviews with approximately two to three iterations each.

I highly suggest getting a friend or colleague in the industry to read and critique your draft. They can offer valuable feedback on how you can improve it, making it more precise, concise, and understandable for others.

These reviews and iterations can help you craft a strong draft for your provisional patent application. Working with a copywriter or designer to assist with the written description and any drawings is beneficial if budget allows. On a tight budget? Consider finding an inexpensive freelancer or website that will provide a draft of your application at no cost.


Provisional patent applications allow you to establish a priority date and an extension of 12 months to file a full patent application for your invention. This gives you ample time to perfect and perfect the product, plus there’s low filing fee and expedited prosecution process.

For a provisional patent application to be successful, it is essential that you accurately and comprehensively describe your invention in the specification or written description section of the document. Make sure this is done in an understandable way even for experienced individuals in related fields.

Be wary of any prior art that could potentially interfere with your claimable invention. It’s wise to spend some time searching through relevant patent applications and attempt to replicate what those applicants did in their descriptions.

Your description should provide a thorough breakdown of your invention and why it stands out from existing technology. Doing this will enable you to easily distinguish your creation from similar technologies.

Additionally, it’s wise to include a section on your product, which will be the intended use of the invention. This should contain any specifications you have for it such as dimensions and shop drawings.

If possible, include an illustration of your invention or another visual representation. This could be in the form of a photograph or video.

The illustration should clearly convey the function and purpose of your invention, making it simpler for the examiner to assess your claims.

Your drawing should be as close to an official patent drawing as possible and should accurately capture all angles, geometry and other aspects of your invention. It can be beneficial to emulate what other inventors in your field have done with their drawings by consulting USPTO websites or Google Patents for examples of high-quality patents.

If you have any queries about writing your provisional patent application or require assistance in preparing documentation, feel free to reach out to GlobalIPCo, S&Z Patent Attorneys or the Patent Office for more details.

Product description

Your product description is the foundation of your online business and should be written to attract customers who are eager to buy. It must define who your target audience is, craft an effective pitch, and persuade readers to take action.

When crafting a product description, the initial step is to understand your buyer persona and the issues they are trying to solve. Doing this allows you to craft an account that emphasizes the features and benefits that your ideal customer would desire.

For example, if your target customer is a woman looking to improve her skin through using clay masks, make sure that the product description highlights all its advantages such as how it helps remove toxins from her face.

When marketing your product, it is essential to highlight its key attributes such as materials and functionality. Be sure to provide basic details like measurements, care instructions and fit (if it’s clothing).

Finally, ensure the language you use aligns with your brand’s values. For instance, if you are selling nutritional supplements online, including testimonials from satisfied customers or sharing purchase statistics can be beneficial.

A great product description should enable readers to picture themselves using the item and understand its benefits. This could be achieved through creative imagery and copy, or even a brief story that highlights its unique advantages.

Finally, ensure your product descriptions are clear and straightforward to read and scan. Many people prefer scanning websites instead of reading them, so the better optimized your product descriptions for scanning, the greater chance visitors will make a purchase from you.

Follow these nine simple rules to create product descriptions that sell your items and boost conversion rates! Begin by applying these rules on some of your most popular items to see how they affect traffic and revenue. If they work, then apply them across all items within your Shopify store.