If you’re looking to create your own gaming products, then kickstarter is an excellent way to go about it. It has a long history of success and is an effective way to get your name out there.

The key is to make the Kickstarter page easy for visitors to understand. This is achieved by breaking up the page into clear sections.

The gaming market is indeed huge, and the growth of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology is further expanding the market. The following factors contribute to the growth of the gaming market:

  1. Increasing technological capabilities: With advancements in technology, AR and VR are becoming more accessible and affordable, which is driving the growth of the gaming market.
  2. Growing demand for immersive experiences: Consumers are looking for more engaging and immersive gaming experiences, and AR and VR technology can provide that.
  3. Expansion into new segments: AR and VR are expanding the gaming market into new segments, such as education, training, and simulation.
  4. Growing mobile gaming market: The rise of mobile gaming has driven significant growth in the gaming market, and AR and VR are further expanding the potential of mobile gaming.
  5. Growth of e-sports and online gaming: The growth of e-sports and online gaming is also contributing to the growth of the gaming market, as more people are participating in and watching competitive gaming.

Overall, the gaming market is a rapidly growing and dynamic industry, and the expansion of AR and VR technology is driving new opportunities and growth in the market. The widespread availability of virtual reality gaming platforms make this segment ideal for Kickstarter.

1. Identify your target audience

When you’re planning a Kickstarter for your gaming product, it’s important to identify your target audience. This will help you plan your campaign strategy, rewards tiers, video, and more. It also allows you to get feedback from potential backers.

Creating a successful kickstarter requires a lot of work and it can be overwhelming. But it’s worth it if you want to make your game a reality!

Before you launch your campaign, take time to research other projects on Kickstarter that have been successful. Find out what platforms they used, how much they raised, how they structured their video, and more.

If possible, try to replicate these strategies in your own campaign. It’s better to do some testing before launching a campaign than wait for the last minute and realize you need to change your goals or rewards tiers.

Once you’ve created your campaign page, run an open-ended poll on PickFu to test the copy and video. This will give you real-time feedback on which advertisements are working and which ones aren’t.

Another great way to promote your game is to speak at events. Whether you’re at a community event or livestreaming your own, putting your face in front of your fans can be incredibly effective. It’s a way for your audience to know you and your team, which can help them become invested in your story.

You can also reach out to media and request coverage. This is a great way to reach new backers and build your reputation as a creative. You can send GIFs, screenshots, and gameplay videos to journalists so they can share them with their audiences.

2. Create a campaign

Creating a successful kickstarter for gaming products requires time, effort, and money. But with the right strategy, you can make the process easier on yourself and improve your chances of success.

First, decide if your game is unique enough to stand out from the crowd and attract backers. If it isn’t, consider reworking the idea or creating a new campaign altogether.

Next, determine the message you want to convey. This will help you communicate with your audience and create a strong brand image for your product.

Finally, develop a landing page that promotes your project and ask people who are interested to sign up with their email address to learn more. Once you have solidified your messaging, you can start promoting the campaign with a video and rewards page.

In addition to your website, you should also create a Facebook ad campaign to increase awareness of the project and build interest before it launches. This will allow you to drive more traffic to your project when it’s launched and ensure that your audience is ready to back your product once the campaign has started.

Once you’ve created your campaign, you’ll need to update your backers on a regular basis. This is the best way to keep your backers engaged and encourage them to continue supporting you.

To help you do this, you should keep your updates short and to the point. You should also include images and gifs in your updates to attract attention.

To help you meet your funding goals, you should have a good understanding of how long the project will take to complete. You can also create a timeline that will allow you to keep track of how much progress you’ve made so far. This will help you decide whether or not to push your deadline and how much time you need to spend on it.

3. Create a video

A video is the beating heart of a kickstarter campaign, so it’s important to get it right. Without it, your campaign is 85% less likely to succeed.

The video should clearly communicate the features of your product, show how it makes people feel and why they should buy it. It should also include a call-to-action (CTA) that makes it easy for viewers to back your project.

To help with this, it’s a good idea to start by watching other videos in your creative niche. For example, if you’re selling pillows then watch other pillow sellers on Kickstarter and see how they get their message across.

Once you’ve done this, take notes of any ideas that work. These will give you a blueprint for your own video.

This is particularly important when creating a video for gaming products. For instance, a great video for chessboards like Phantom is one that shows the pieces moving independently as they move on the board. This is a clever way to capture attention and create interest in the product before launching it on the Kickstarter platform.

It’s a good idea to create a pre-launch video that can be uploaded onto your website, social media and YouTube before the launch of your campaign. This will encourage people to sign up for updates and get them excited about your project!

A great video should also show a human face to the people behind the product. This makes people more trusting of the company behind it and makes them feel as though their hard earned money is going to a friendly, family business. Whether you’re a single person or a team of developers, showing your face in the video will make people more likely to invest in your project.

4. Create a rewards page

A kickstarter campaign is a good way to raise money for your gaming product. However, it also involves a lot of work and requires a great deal of preparation before you launch.

First, you need to choose the right rewards. This will help you to attract your backers and get them excited about your project.

You can offer a variety of options for rewards, such as physical goods or digital content. The rewards you create should be based on the budget, production costs and your audience’s preferences.

Your main reward should be your game, which is why it’s important to think about its design. It should be attractive, easy to play and able to convey the core concept of your game.

It should be accessible and affordable, as this is what most backers will want to receive in return for their support. You can then expand on this by offering multi-packs, variations or expansions as higher tier rewards.

Another important part of your rewards page is a description. It should be clear, simple and engaging, using GIF animations where possible.

Adding pictures and videos of your product can increase the conversion rate on your campaign page and increase the number of backers. Make sure that all images are clickable and that they have a proper background to make them stand out.

You should also consider adding a personal touch to your campaign. This will encourage your backers to feel like they know you and trust you. This can be done by doing an AMA event on Reddit or inviting them to meet your team in person.

Remember that it’s hard to predict how backers will react. If they’re unhappy with your project for some reason, it’s essential to have backup plans in place. For example, you could offer them a refund or a free demo of the game.

5. Create a social media campaign

Having a social media campaign for your kickstarter is essential to get the word out about your project. The key to creating a successful one is making sure to engage with your audience, share interesting content and create opportunities for interaction.

Each social platform has a different target audience, so it’s important to understand your specific goals for each network before deciding on a strategy. Use analytics to track how well your posts are performing and make any adjustments based on that data.

Facebook: Set up a business page for your kickstarter and post updates about the project to reach your target audience. Keep your posts short and share pretty pictures, which will attract more viewers than text-based content.

Twitter: Use hashtags that relate to your project and regular tweets about the Kickstarter video and other news related to your game. Also follow groups associated with crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter Live and Indiegogo Life to build new connections within those industries.

Instagram: Upload photos of your game’s progress to show potential backers what they can expect from your project. It’s especially helpful to post photos of a completed project and an early version of the game, since these will get more views than screenshots or trailers.

Vimeo: Similar to YouTube, this is another great way to upload videos to get the word out about your project. Using the right tags and hashtags can make it easier for potential backers to find your content, so make sure to use them in your title and description.

Influencers: Finding influencers with a large following and enticing them to promote your video can be a great way to draw attention to your campaign. However, be sure to outline what you’re asking them to do and how they’ll benefit from promoting your video.