Kickstarter is a crowdfunding website that allows creators to raise money for creative projects such as films, music, art, theater, games and technology. The site also allows backers (those who pledge money to the project) to receive rewards or perks for their donation.

If you’re planning to do a kickstarter campaign for an AI product, it’s important to plan ahead and take steps to make your campaign successful.

Is AI product suitable for crowdfunding?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) software can be a valuable tool for crowdfunding campaigns, as it can help automate and streamline various tasks, such as marketing and customer engagement. Some of the ways in which AI software can be suitable for crowdfunding include:

  1. Predictive analytics: AI can be used to analyze data and make predictions about which campaigns are likely to be successful, based on factors such as audience demographics, target funding goals, and campaign duration. This can help crowdfunding platforms and campaigns optimize their marketing and engagement strategies to improve success rates.
  2. Customer engagement: AI can be used to automate and personalize communication with potential backers and supporters, providing real-time responses to questions and engaging with them in a more effective and efficient manner.
  3. Risk assessment: AI can be used to analyze data and identify potential risks associated with a crowdfunding campaign, such as fraud or poor campaign performance. This can help ensure that campaigns are more secure and less prone to failure.
  4. Marketing automation: AI can be used to automate various marketing tasks, such as email campaigns, social media posts, and targeted advertisements. This can help campaigns reach a wider audience and maximize their marketing efforts.

While AI software can be a valuable tool for crowdfunding, it is important to ensure that it is used appropriately and ethically, and that it aligns with the goals and values of the campaign and its backers. Additionally, it is important to consider the costs associated with implementing AI software and to ensure that it is cost-effective for the specific needs of the campaign.

Pre-launch marketing

A pre-launch marketing campaign is a great way to build buzz and gather feedback on your AI product before it is launched. It can also be used to generate leads and gather contact information from interested parties.

If you’re a start-up, you may not have a large amount of money to spend on marketing, but if you can find ways to create hype around your product and increase awareness, you’ll be on the right track. Healthish, for example, uses social media to promote its signature product, a water bottle that tracks hydration. Its co-founders Emily Chong and Nathan Chan hired niche influencers to drive the message to new consumers before the product was even launched.

Another strategy to consider when building pre-launch marketing campaigns is to launch a coming soon page on your website. This page will notify visitors that your site is under construction and that they can get in touch if they’d like to receive more information about your products or services.

It’s a good idea to set up an email list as well as a mailing list for your pre-launch marketing campaign. Having both sets of contacts will help you keep track of how effective your campaign is and will give you an idea of the best channels to reach out to potential customers and partners.

In addition, it’s a good idea to use a raffle as part of your pre-launch marketing efforts. Raffles are a great way to build excitement and buzz for your launch, as they’re highly engaging and can be easily integrated into your other online marketing efforts.

The best pre-launch marketing is focused on the people who are most likely to buy your product, so it’s essential to target them as early as possible. This means getting their emails, interacting with them on social media, and using tools to generate leads from them before you launch your AI product.

One important metric to consider in your pre-launch marketing is click-through rates (CTRs). These are easy to measure, and they can be an important indicator of how well your product is performing in terms of user satisfaction.


Online crowdfunding is a method that allows people to raise funds to fulfill their financial needs. It is a rapidly growing industry that has been influenced by technological factors such as high internet penetration, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.

Moreover, crowdfunding is a social activity that enables people to invest their money in causes they believe in and have the potential to make an impact. It is particularly appealing to millennials who have a heightened interest in addressing societal issues such as education, water, and the environment.

Crowdfunding also has the potential to reduce societal inequities by facilitating access to capital for individuals who have never before had access to formal finance. In emerging markets, it can serve as a bridge to financial inclusion by introducing people who do not have bank accounts to the formal system of banking.

Today, a number of crowdfunding platforms are using AI tools to ensure that their users can start and complete their fundraising campaigns with ease. These tools can process large amounts of user data to predict preferences and showcase causes aligned with a donor’s past contributions and online behaviour. Insights from these data can also help the platform curate content that appeals to its donors.

The use of AI in crowdfunding is especially beneficial for medical emergencies, where time is of the essence and there is a need to reach a larger audience. Some platforms like Milaap and ImpactGuru in India have started experimenting with AI-driven chatbot technology to help campaigners produce fundraising appeals within 5 to 15 minutes.

These AI-powered systems can help identify fraudulent or fake campaigns more quickly than humans, which in turn helps prevent the possibility of scams. However, it is important to be aware of the bias that these systems might be harboring.

It is critical to be aware of the fact that many AI-based algorithms are susceptible to implicit bias, which can affect their results. As a result, it is essential to take steps to avoid incorporating biased data into an algorithm’s decisions and to ensure that AI-based tools don’t discriminate against minorities or the marginalized communities.

Video marketing

Video marketing is one of the best ways to attract consumers and build brand awareness. It is easy to create and distribute, and can be adapted for different media channels. It also increases conversions and sales, boosting overall marketing ROI.

Using AI in your video marketing campaigns can help you reach your target audience without having to spend a lot of money. AI can do all the work for you, including choosing music and filters, incorporating voiceovers, and even editing. It can also make your videos more attractive and engaging, making them more likely to be shared.

Another benefit of using AI is that it allows you to customize your video content for specific audiences. This is great for businesses that want to reach a wider range of consumer groups.

The most important thing when creating a video is to understand your target audience and what they are looking for. This will allow you to create a compelling storyline that engages them. You should also consider your target market’s stage in the marketing funnel.

Your video should capture your audience’s attention and tell them why your product is a good fit for them. It should show them how your product can help them solve a problem or improve their life.

It should also leave them feeling inspired to make a purchase. The most successful video marketers start by enticing their viewers with strong visuals and an intriguing question that is related to the core problem they are trying to solve.

Once your viewers are hooked, make sure to keep them engaged throughout the video by staying on message. It is critical to get a viewer’s attention as soon as possible, and it’s easier to do this with a brief video than with a long blog post or email marketing campaign.

Changing up your content from time to time can increase your video’s retention rate. You can also include b-roll or animations, which can make your videos more dynamic and interesting.

Using a call-to-action at the end of your video is an excellent way to boost traffic and grow your business. It will encourage your audience to share the video and follow your brand, increasing the chances of your video being viewed by more people.


There is a lot of buzz surrounding kickstarter as a place to fund new and innovative products. But, despite the hype, there are a few risks that backers should be aware of before they commit their hard earned cash.

The biggest risk is that you might never receive your pledged reward or the project might be canceled. To address this, Kickstarter has a Trust & Safety team that reviews each campaign for safety and quality control. The team also offers a rewards insurance program that protects backers from getting ripped off.

Another concern is that a Kickstarter campaign may not deliver the goods on time or in the quantities expected. This is because the creators are still working on their project and may need to add additional funds before it can be shipped out or delivered to a store. The best way to combat this is to include a timeline that allows for flexibility in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

In the end, a good kickstarter campaign is the most effective way to get your product funded, but you should be prepared for a little luck of the draw. The rewards of a successful campaign are well worth the wait and it’s a worthwhile endeavor that will pay off in spades down the road.

The best part is that you can take pride in displaying your accomplishment to the world and showing off to your friends and family.