How Provisional Patent Help Can Save You Time and Money
If you’re an inventor with an idea that needs protection, the first step is filing a provisional patent application. This is an economical way to secure a priority date and assert your rights before competitors do.
However, the process can be lengthy and requires thoughtful consideration. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to guarantee your provisional patent application is as successful as possible.
The cost of provisional patent assistance varies based on several factors. Some are unique to the invention itself, while others apply across all inventions.
Cost is the primary factor when it comes to filing an application. This depends on both the complexity of your invention and how much work must be done in order to identify relevant prior art.
When creating an invention involving software, there will be more work involved than for mechanical or electrical devices. Furthermore, you must include more drawings than with non-software inventions.
Additionally, you may need to pay additional fees in order for the United States Patent and Trademark Office to examine your application. These costs range from a basic examination fee up to an examination fee per independent claim above three.
You can read about these fees in the USPTO Fee Schedule or speak to a patent attorney for more information.
In addition to filing and drawing fees, you will have to pay additional costs in order for your application to be examined by the Patent Office. This is because they inspect each application prior to issuing a patent.
According to your invention and how much work it requires, you might need to hire an expert or have your attorney conduct research for you. Doing this is essential if you want to receive a high-quality patent application.
Finally, you will have to pay a patent issuance fee when your invention is recognized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. This fee applies regardless of whether your application is granted as either a patent or appeal.
Many inventors find the cost of obtaining a patent to be prohibitively expensive. As such, some choose to forgo the provisional patent and file a non-provisional patent instead. Doing this can save them money in the long run as their invention will then be fully protected.
If you have an invention idea and need to secure patent protection quickly, filing for a provisional patent could be the right option. Filing this type of application allows for an early priority date for your invention, giving you 12 months to conduct market testing and refinements to your concept.
Typically, drafting a provisional patent application takes between 30 and 40 hours. This includes an initial inventor interview to learn as much about the invention as possible, along with time spent drafting the provisional patent and refining it based on inventor feedback.
The written description is the foundation of a provisional patent application. This section should provide enough detail about your invention that someone with ordinary skill in your field can recognize it if presented with it. Additionally, include an extensive product description as well as any drawings or diagrams showing how your invention functions.
An accurate written description is the foundation of a successful patent application. It should clearly explain your invention’s operation, including how it connects to existing products in the marketplace and how it differs from them.
Furthermore, the written description should be able to distinguish your invention from prior art. This means demonstrating how your invention differs from any patent-pending invention and why it is more inventive than what had been done before.
Another advantage of a provisional patent is its potential to save you money in the long run. Patent fees tend to be high, so applying for one can often save on filing fees compared to traditional patent applications.
Furthermore, a provisional patent can help you minimize the chance that someone with similar inventions obtains a patent. As the United States operates under a first-to-file system, it’s essential to apply for your provisional patent early on.
Provisional patents can also help you decide whether or not to pursue full patent protection for your invention. They indicate if the market for it is viable, if other similar inventions have already been patented, and if investing in your idea would be a wise move.
Provisional patent applications have fewer requirements than full patent applications, helping inventors save time and money in the process. Furthermore, it’s an efficient way to get a product onto the market quickly.
However, it’s essential to note that patents only cover novel and unique inventions. Therefore, be thorough when describing your creation; include its functions, how it operates, as well as any materials used in its creation.
It is essential to explain any modifications or additions made to the original invention after filing. A change in materials, for instance, could invalidate a patent.
Finally, it’s essential to remember that a provisional application has a 12-month pendency period from the date of filing. If an inventor files a nonprovisional patent application within 12 months after filing their provisional patent application, they will no longer benefit from an earlier priority date and must meet all the same requirements as their nonprovisional counterparts.
Fortunately, this can be avoided by having an attorney review your provisional application before filing it. An attorney will give a professional opinion on your idea and guarantee that the document is accurately written, drafted, and complete.
Expect to pay at least several hundred dollars for this service. These fees cover the attorney’s time, which varies based on the complexity and difficulty of your case.
If you don’t have the funds to hire an attorney, there are several online services that provide provisional patent help at a low fee. These companies will take care of filling out all government forms, filing the application, and sending you all completed forms with instructions and four essential agreements.
Another alternative is to utilize a software program from the USPTO that provides straightforward advice on filing for a provisional patent. These programs can be acquired for a nominal cost.
Legal Advice
When preparing a patent application, it is essential to seek professional legal counsel from an attorney. Doing so will guarantee the documents are complete and the invention properly protected.
Intellectual property attorneys are familiar with the process of filing for a provisional patent and can offer legal guidance to safeguard your invention. Furthermore, they will guarantee that no mistakes are made during filing your application.
A thorough written description of your invention is an essential component of a provisional patent application. It should be detailed enough so that someone with ordinary skill in your field could make and utilize it without any assistance.
Drawings can be an excellent addition to the written description of your invention, especially when describing more complex products or processes.
It is essential to include a product description that is accurate and comprehensive. This should include any specifications you have for the item, such as its dimensions.
Additionally, any shop drawings and abstracts you possess should be included. These can be invaluable assets when providing additional information to the patent examiner later on in the procedure.
If you choose to self-draft your provisional patent application, be aware of the potential for making mistakes that could scuttle your priority date or even invalidate it altogether. This is especially true for those unfamiliar with either the patent process or what needs to be included in such an application.
When drafting your patent application, it is essential to remember that the more time and energy you put into creating the document, the higher its chances are of preserving its priority date. Therefore, hiring a patent attorney who can draft your document with the same level of detail and diligence they use when preparing utility applications is highly recommended.
However, some services offer low fees to prepare a provisional patent and this could be indicative of untrustworthiness. A good question to ask yourself is “what could the patent rights to my invention potentially be worth?” – this will give an indication of whether or not the fee charged is reasonable.