Free Patent Filing Assistance in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
If you need free patent filing help in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, you are not alone. Many libraries and other non-profit organizations offer this kind of assistance to people with patent problems. Other examples include the San Diego Public Library and Saint Louis University’s Confidential Resources. These resources provide the knowledge you need to prepare and submit the proper application to the patent office.
San Diego Public Library
If you have an idea that you think might be worth patenting, you should consider using the patent and trademark resource center at the San Diego Public Library. This center is a part of a national library network maintained by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. While the PTRC staff cannot provide legal advice, they can provide you with contact information for patent attorneys in your area.
To make sure your invention is patentable, you must research prior advances in your field of study. To do this, you must search patents for similar inventions, and scientific and technical journals. This process can be lengthy, but it can be shortened with practice. After all, you do not want to spend money on patenting an idea that no one else has yet come up with!
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis University has a unique program that offers free patent filing assistance for low-income, under-resourced inventors. The program provides free patent attorney and patent agent time, as well as entrepreneurial support and commercialization guidance. It serves Missouri-based solo inventors, nonprofit organizations, and small businesses.
Saint Louis University’s Confidential Resources
The Saint Louis Public Library has been designated as a Patent and Trademark Resource Center by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. It has been providing intellectual property information since 1870 and is ready to help you protect your invention, brand, and trade secrets. Whether you are looking for patent filing assistance in Lancaster, or you need help preparing an application for a trademark, the library can help.
The University’s Entrepreneurial Center offers a variety of entrepreneurial programs, resources, and events for people who are launching a new business. It offers “Innovator Series” classes every semester, as well as free legal services to community members. The Patent and Entrepreneurial Legal Clinic offers patent filing assistance and business legal counsel for those who need it.
Saint Louis University’s Patent Pro Bono Program
The Patent Pro Bono Program matches qualified volunteers with inventors and small businesses who are under-resourced. Eligibility requirements vary by program, but generally, individuals or small businesses must have a gross household income of less than three times the federal poverty guidelines to qualify. In addition, some regional programs have different criteria.
Through a partnership with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Saint Louis University (SLU) is making it easier for economically under-resourced inventors to obtain a patent. The university provides free patent agent and attorney time to eligible applicants, as well as entrepreneurial support and commercialization guidance. The program serves small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and solo inventors throughout Missouri.
California Inventors Assistance Program
If you are seeking free patent filing assistance, you are not alone. There are many organizations offering free assistance to individuals. There are also many lawyers and patent agents who work pro bono. Some states also have programs designed to help those in need. Here are some resources to help you get started.
California Inventors Assistance Program, or CIAP, is a program created by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to assist financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses with the patent filing process. The program’s statewide administrator is the California Lawyers Association, which processes pro bono intakes in cooperation with the USPTO. Currently, the program serves California and five other western U.S. states.
For those who need assistance filing a patent, USPTO provides several types of assistance. It offers free educational materials and training for Pro Se inventors. It also provides appointments and email support. Several help desk lines are also available. To help with your patent application, USPTO offers several online resources and tools for free.
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