Does San Francisco have free patent assistance for inventors

Free Patent Assistance in San Francisco

There are many resources in San Francisco for inventors, but does the city offer free patent assistance? Some of them may not be free, but they have a fee schedule that can help you afford filing fees. You can find these resources at the SBDC, OTMA, Girls in Tech, or Lincoln Law. If you have any questions, contact these resources. They may be able to help you get started with patent filing.


The OTMA Institute for Intellectual Property in San Francisco provides free patent assistance for entrepreneurs. The program helps individuals and businesses create and protect new ideas, and provides valuable business insights. The program is available in the San Francisco Bay Area, and inventors from San Francisco and other California cities may apply to receive free patent assistance. The first step is to determine if your invention is patentable. Then, a licensing professional can evaluate whether it is a good fit for patent protection. Once OTMA determines that the invention is patentable, the inventor collaborates with the organization to draft the patent application.

After an inventor submits a Technology Disclosure Form, the OTMA will contact the applicant and assign them to a licensing professional. The licensing professional will assess the invention and assume responsibility for its management. After evaluating the invention, the OTMA will provide the inventor with a file number and the name of the licensing professional assigned to their case. The licensing professional will develop a strategy to manage the IP rights and collaborate with the inventor to develop a business plan for the technology.

Before filing the application, the licensing professional will determine if the inventor is an actual holder of the patent. Once the licensing professional has determined that the inventor is an actual person, he or she will work to market the invention and obtain a license for it. Depending on the circumstances, the licensing professional may use the services of an outside patent lawyer. The license will provide the inventor with up to 35% of the license income.


The SF SBDC offers free patent assistance for inventors, and there are several different programs offered. One program is called AWARE, which targets underrepresented graduate students and faculty in Silicon Valley. The program also works with undergraduate students interested in pursuing their own patents. Participants in this program are often younger, mid-career faculty who have contributed to innovation and are members of underrepresented groups. Moreover, applicants must be a member of a specific underrepresented group.

Another program offered by the SF SBDC is REACH for Commercialization, which consists of four workshops held over the course of an academic year. This program does not have an official certificate program, but does provide an opportunity to graduate with the support of mentors and local entrepreneurs. The workshop sessions are interactive, and participants get to meet local female entrepreneurs and campus leaders who have successfully commercialized a technology. REACH also provides individual guidance for women looking to pursue their patents.

Girls in Tech

If you are looking for free patent assistance in San Francisco, there are a few options available to you. First of all, you can visit invent Right. This group works with local inventors to bring their ideas to life. Founded in 1999, they help teach inventors how to patent their ideas and negotiate licensing deals with other businesses. The organization also holds weekly classes on patenting your idea. You can even learn how much you should spend to protect your idea.

This program matches qualified, volunteer patent attorneys with financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses. Eligibility criteria varies by program, but most require that the inventors must have an annual household income that is no more than three times the federal poverty level. Some regional programs also have different requirements for eligibility. In order to qualify, your income must be below $150,000. In San Francisco, there are other options available, including the Patent Pro Bono Program.

Lincoln Law

Lincoln Law in San Francisco offers free patent assistance to small businesses and inventors in the Bay Area. This legal center is made up of attorneys, former patent examiners, and other intellectual property specialists who specialize in helping people patent their ideas. While there is no physical location, there are trained staff members available to help you with all aspects of intellectual property. If you’re in need of assistance, you can call them at (415) 671-6466 to get started.

This program offers free legal representation to low-income inventors in San Francisco and other California cities. This service also gives qualified low-income inventors a free patent attorney. Attorneys can provide advice on how much it will cost and how to reduce the costs associated with filing a patent. There’s a $50 placement fee and fees for the USPTO, but these fees are often covered by low-income inventors.

Bold Patents

The Patent Pro Bono Program matches volunteer patent attorneys with inventors and small businesses who are under-resourced. The program provides services to residents of California and five other western U.S. states. To qualify, applicants must have a household income that is at or below three times the federal poverty level. Some regional programs have additional eligibility criteria. Contact Bold Patents to learn more. Bold Patents is a San Francisco-based company with offices across the United States.

In order to be eligible for patent protection in San Francisco, an invention must meet specific criteria. It must be new, non-obvious, and useful in the art. It may not be in the public domain before the filing date, though it may exist in other places. Inventions that solve a problem no one has solved before also qualify for patent protection. It’s vital to do market research before you file for a patent, because otherwise, the Patent Office will take your money.

Free Patents Online

In San Francisco, you can find free patent assistance for inventors in several ways. You can attend weekly workshops to learn how to protect your ideas, and ask experts to give you tips and advice. In the Bay Area, you can also learn from local inventor groups like invent Right. This group, founded in 1999, offers help to new and budding inventors, helping them bring their ideas to life. It offers workshops on how to protect your ideas and negotiate licensing deals. You can also attend weekly classes that teach you what to do when patenting your ideas.

Another way to get free patent assistance is to participate in the USPTO’s patent pro bono program. This program matches volunteers with inventors and small businesses that have limited financial resources. In order to qualify, you must live in a state where the average income is less than three times the federal poverty line. For certain regional programs, the income limit may be higher. To apply, you must fill out an application and submit supporting documents.

In order to qualify for free patent assistance in San Francisco, your invention must meet certain criteria. For instance, it should be unique, non-obvious, and industrially useful. It must not be in the public domain before its filing date, which can be anywhere in the world. It must also be non-obvious, which means that it was not obvious to someone of ordinary skill. You need to have the right to use your invention in your industry, but it must be new.

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